About Berlin Dharma
Berlin Dharma offers classes, courses, and retreats in insight meditation. The programs are English-speaking and taught by Peter Doobinin. The heart of insight meditation is the practice of mindfulness, as explicated in the Buddha’s teaching on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Through the practice of mindfulness we learn to cultivate skillful qualities, concentration and discernment.
The insight meditation teachings come from the Theravada tradition. Theravada practice is derived from the core teachings of the Buddha, as found in the Pali Canon, the earliest surviving record of what the Buddha taught.
It's important to remember that while insight meditation comes from the teachings of the Buddha, the practice is open to all students. One does not have to identify as Buddhist. And, in fact, over the years many students from many different religious and spiritual backgrounds have attended the insight meditation classes and been part of the community of practitioners. All are welcome!
Beginners' Programs
For students who may be new to dharma practice, we recommend taking a Beginners' course. Beginners’ courses provide an opportunity for learning the fundamentals of insight meditation and mindfulness skills. In Beginners' courses, we provide step-by-step instruction in breath meditation practice. In general, the basic skills for practicing breath meditation are not taught in step-by-step fashion at other classes.
Participation at Berlin Dharma classes is open to all interested students. We are committed to creating a space that welcomes all people regardless of cultural and religious background, race, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, education, physical ability, or ability to pay. We look forward to seeing you.
Guidelines for Participation
In attending classes and retreats at Berlin Dharma, students are asked to follow certain guidelines. We can think of these guidelines as “healthy boundaries.” By respecting these boundaries, we help to create conditions that are suitable for meditation and practice of the dharma. The guidelines are offered in the spirit of maintaining an environment that is safe and nurturing.
The Five Precepts
At all classes and retreats, students are expected to follow the Five Precepts:
“I undertake the precept to refrain from taking the life of any living creature.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual misconduct.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from false and harmful speech.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from consuming intoxicating drink and drugs, which lead to heedlessness.”
Class Guidelines
We ask that all students follow these guidelines when participating in our programs:
*Please arrive on time to all classes.
*Please do not use any electronic devices in the meeting space, before, during, or after the class or retreat.
*Please observe silence at all times. Classes are held in silence, except for teacher instruction, talks, and question and answer periods.
*Please do not leave your seat during sitting meditation. If for some reason you have to get up, please move quietly so as not to disturb other meditators. Please do not read, write, eat, drink or lie down while meditation is in progress.
*Please remain in your seat during the class. If you have to get up, please move quietly.
*When the teacher is offering a dharma talk, please do not read, eat, lie down, or leave your seat.
*Please remain in a sitting position throughout the class. If, for medical reasons, you need to lie down, please notify the teacher before the class.
*When speaking at Berlin Dharma classes, it is asked that participants speak from their own experience. It is asked that when sharing that we do not criticize what other people say, give feedback, or offer advice. Please follow these suggestions before, during, and after classes.
*Please respect the privacy of all students. Please keep confidential what you hear at classes.
Class Fees and Teacher Support
Class fees (suggested donations) reflect the amount deemed necessary to cover expenses for putting on classes (renting the space, etc.) and to support the teacher in his efforts to meet his basic needs. Please know we do not turn away anyone due to lack of funds. If you have a financial hardship and can not pay the class fee, please speak to the teacher.
The guiding teacher, Peter Doobinin, teaches meditation on a full-time basis. He is supported almost entirely through the donations offered at classes and retreats. All donations are applied to the teacher's basic living expenses such as food, clothing, shelter, medical needs, and fundamental requirements for an individual in contemporary society.
The insight meditation teachings come from the Theravada tradition. Theravada practice is derived from the core teachings of the Buddha, as found in the Pali Canon, the earliest surviving record of what the Buddha taught.
It's important to remember that while insight meditation comes from the teachings of the Buddha, the practice is open to all students. One does not have to identify as Buddhist. And, in fact, over the years many students from many different religious and spiritual backgrounds have attended the insight meditation classes and been part of the community of practitioners. All are welcome!
Beginners' Programs
For students who may be new to dharma practice, we recommend taking a Beginners' course. Beginners’ courses provide an opportunity for learning the fundamentals of insight meditation and mindfulness skills. In Beginners' courses, we provide step-by-step instruction in breath meditation practice. In general, the basic skills for practicing breath meditation are not taught in step-by-step fashion at other classes.
Participation at Berlin Dharma classes is open to all interested students. We are committed to creating a space that welcomes all people regardless of cultural and religious background, race, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, education, physical ability, or ability to pay. We look forward to seeing you.
Guidelines for Participation
In attending classes and retreats at Berlin Dharma, students are asked to follow certain guidelines. We can think of these guidelines as “healthy boundaries.” By respecting these boundaries, we help to create conditions that are suitable for meditation and practice of the dharma. The guidelines are offered in the spirit of maintaining an environment that is safe and nurturing.
The Five Precepts
At all classes and retreats, students are expected to follow the Five Precepts:
“I undertake the precept to refrain from taking the life of any living creature.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual misconduct.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from false and harmful speech.”
“I undertake the precept to refrain from consuming intoxicating drink and drugs, which lead to heedlessness.”
Class Guidelines
We ask that all students follow these guidelines when participating in our programs:
*Please arrive on time to all classes.
*Please do not use any electronic devices in the meeting space, before, during, or after the class or retreat.
*Please observe silence at all times. Classes are held in silence, except for teacher instruction, talks, and question and answer periods.
*Please do not leave your seat during sitting meditation. If for some reason you have to get up, please move quietly so as not to disturb other meditators. Please do not read, write, eat, drink or lie down while meditation is in progress.
*Please remain in your seat during the class. If you have to get up, please move quietly.
*When the teacher is offering a dharma talk, please do not read, eat, lie down, or leave your seat.
*Please remain in a sitting position throughout the class. If, for medical reasons, you need to lie down, please notify the teacher before the class.
*When speaking at Berlin Dharma classes, it is asked that participants speak from their own experience. It is asked that when sharing that we do not criticize what other people say, give feedback, or offer advice. Please follow these suggestions before, during, and after classes.
*Please respect the privacy of all students. Please keep confidential what you hear at classes.
Class Fees and Teacher Support
Class fees (suggested donations) reflect the amount deemed necessary to cover expenses for putting on classes (renting the space, etc.) and to support the teacher in his efforts to meet his basic needs. Please know we do not turn away anyone due to lack of funds. If you have a financial hardship and can not pay the class fee, please speak to the teacher.
The guiding teacher, Peter Doobinin, teaches meditation on a full-time basis. He is supported almost entirely through the donations offered at classes and retreats. All donations are applied to the teacher's basic living expenses such as food, clothing, shelter, medical needs, and fundamental requirements for an individual in contemporary society.